CVPR 2020では研究コミュニティにて網羅的サーベイを実施してメタサーベイ資料を作成しました。全28のエリアを31グループで調査してスライドを作成するに至りました。完成した資料から順次公開していきます。
- CVPR 2020 網羅的サーベイ
- CVPR 2020 報告(cvpaper.challenge)
- 3D From a Single Image and Shape-From-X
- Action and Behavior Recognition [スライド1]
- Adversarial Learning
- 3D From Multiview and Sensors
- Computational Photography
- Efficient Training and Inference Methods for Networks
- Image Retrieval
- Low-Level and Physics-Based Vision [スライド]
- Datasets and Evaluation
- Scene Analysis and Understanding
- Medical, Biological and Cell Microscopy
- Transfer/Low-Shot/Semi/Unsupervised Learning
- Face, Gesture, and Body Pose
- Image and Video Synthesis
[スライド1] [スライド2]
- Motion and Tracking [スライド]
- Representation Learning
- Neural Generative Models
- Optimization and Learning Methods [スライド]
- Segmentation, Grouping and Shape [スライド]
- Explainable AI; Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics in Vision
- Recognition (Detection, Categorization)
[スライド1] [スライド2]
- Video Analysis and Understanding
- Vision & Language
- Vision for Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles [スライド]
- Machine Learning Architectures and Formulations
- Vision Applications and Systems
- Vision & Other Modalities
- Visual Reasoning and Logical Representation